Where we are teaching.

Central Station Bar & Grill, Mandan ND (Indoor)

Hazen Golf Club, Hazen ND

Painted Woods Golf Course, Washburn ND

Peaceful Valley Golf Course, Harvey ND

Pebble Creek Golf Course, Bismarck ND

Contact mikeherzog@pga.com or (701) 989-4547 to book your lesson today.

Our approach.

Golf is a game of fundamentals, and basics are the key to success. Our focus will be on developing total golf skills, including putting, chipping, swing technique, etiquette, and game management.  We will concentrate on grip, set-up, posture, alignment, and ball position, as well as the swing motion.

Returning the clubface to the proper hitting position is the key to the golf swing and fundamentals allow this to happen, along with repetition and practice.

The most important skill you will learn is that you must continue to perform drills and apply repetition.  No matter your level of golf, you must continue to PRACTICE and PLAY.

Our four-step process.

  1. Analyze your swing technique and show you areas for improvement.

  2. Show you appropriate drills and utilize training aids to help you feel the proper swing.

  3. Utilize state-of-the-art video/fitting equipment to show potential swing flaws and how to correct them.

  4. Use the golf course to get you “Golf Ready” and prepare to have FUN from tee to green.

  • The PGA Junior Golf League is an innovative and proven way to provide juniors with the opportunity to learn the game of golf through competition and fun. Boys and girls compete in a two-person scramble format to reinforce the team concept and create an environment beneficial to learning the game. Juniors should have fundamental golf experience and must be able to walk 9 holes.

  • This curriculm based class is the best way to learn the game of golf. Starting from the green and working our way back to the tee. Learn more at Operation 36

  • Founded in 2020, Sportsbox AI is an AI-powered technology company that develops AI Coach mobile applications in sports and fitness, using patent-pending 3D Motion Analysis and Kinematic AI technology. Through our unique technology that can capture, measure and analyze complex athletic motions in 3D, combined with the knowledge and experience of the world’s leading instructors in each sport, Sportsbox AI provides real-time corrective feedback to help users achieve their goals in sports and fitness. Learn more at Sportsbox AI

  • As a TPI Certified Level 1 golf instructor, you know how to physically screen a player to establish the Body-Swing Connection - a fundamental component of being a great instructor. Identifying any underlying causes of dysfunction or inefficiency is a prerequisite for effective coaching but addressing them is what sets an elite golf instructor apart. Lern more at Titleist Performance Institute

  • Too often, juniors are coached as if they were small adults. Effective Instruction requires specialized programming that maximizes athletic potential within a system that is sensitive to a golfer’s biological AND developmental age. Parents want to know that lessons are age-appropriate, skill level appropriate, and part of a system that yields results. Our Junior 2 Certification course is the most comprehensive curriculum in the world dedicated to helping coaches maximize their young golfers’ development and, more importantly, enjoyment in golf. Learn more at Junior Development 2